Recently, I’ve become interested in making minicomics. I recently put together a little mini and my five-year-old son also put together his first little comic — they’re Bad News 1 and Phase of Doom: Favorite Colors, respectively. We sold a few copies of these at the Small Press Expo in Bethesda, MD, and have a bunch left if you’re interested in picking one up. (No Etsy store or anything yet, just shoot me an email if you’d like one; $1 apiece). Bad News 1 is a 16-page, quarter-sheet minicomic, starting a story about a silent mummy who crash-lands on a mysterious world. Phase of Doom: Favorite Colors is an 8-page, half-sheet comic about a superhero fighting a giant mummy. We have mummies on the mind, perhaps because we spent a week drawing Jack Kirby’s Gomdulla at my son’s behest.

Also, in the early 2000s, I edited a couple of anthologies about food — Garlic and Tea. Here are the covers of both of them, which should give you a sense of the awesome contributors that graciously made some pages for these projects.

These were a ton of fun to edit and were well-received, but sadly due to personal issues, I dragged my feet on the latter issue (Tea) so badly that I’m not sure all of the contributors even got their copies! I have a scant few of these left, so if you’re a contributor and never got your book, let me know, and I can send you one!

More to come!