An odd request, sure, but I’m trying to figure out which of these Mondo posters I’ve purchased might look good in my office at work. The semester is about to begin, and my forest of Mondo poster tubes needs weeding. I think I’ve narrowed it down to one of the following six (I know, I know), currently unframed posters, which I’ve paired up below:
First, the Hammers. Curse of Frankenstein as well as Dracula, Prince of Darkness.

Next up, the science fiction. The new Dune and a 2001: A Space Odyssey poster.

Finally, posters that will cause me headaches if I put them up, but I love both of them so much. Someone will likely be offended by the implied gore of the Crimson Peak poster. Next, people will ask me irritating questions about In the Earth, a movie I didn’t actually enjoy very much (I love the poster design, though, and bought it before I’d seen the movie).

So, which of these do I frame? I can probably manage at most two of them.
Rob Zapol
I am having what I would guess is a similar issue to you which is that I think the poster you should hang should probably reflect you as closely as possible, but that In The Earth poster is just so damn attractive (and in fact the motifs fit you very well e.g. folk horror, but you didn’t like the movie.
Gonna have to say go with the Hammer Dracula poster because I think that reflects your aesthetic even in recent times and is definitely pretty neat looking too. Possibly consider doing In The Earth if you can fit in a second one. But you would probably need to be able to position them separately from each other as I don’t see them as going great jammed up together as a pair.
Ugh. Keep looking back at it though and In The Earth is just a killer. Considering saying you should just go for it as it is so strong! Certainly wouldn’t blame you.
Yeah! I was really excited for In the Earth but found the final movie to be pretty lackluster (and not as folk horrory as it should have been). I actually have two posters; the other one is a psychedelia-centric poster and more accurately represents the movie, I think.
I think the Dracula one might be the winner! It’s a really stunning poster!